Today new studies and knowledge offers more choices against the battle of cancer. There are many alternative cancer programs available today. You can use the Alternative Health Program alone or along with conventional treatment. Research shows that conventional therapies alone still fail over 50% of the time!!
Usually by the age of 30, millions of your cells are already abnormal, en route to becoming cancerous. Cancer cells do not show up in medical testing until their numbers have reached eighty million. Normally if all bodily functions i.e. digestive, immune and nervous are working correctly, they control the cancer cell numbers. If any of your body systems are stressed; it is open for disease. This promotes an internal environment for cancer cell growth.
Your diet is your first major weapon against cancer. Diet improvement is the key to prevent 40-60% of cancer risk. Even if genetics and lifestyle stressors are against you, your diet will still make a tremendous difference in your cancer odds. Secondly, work at keeping your body more alkaline, less acid, increase your anti-oxidants, and then boost the immune system.
Most important is changing an acidic body which is disease and cancer loving to alkaline. An alkaline body is distasteful to most bacteria, virus, fungus and abnormal “cancer” cells. Look for the list of foods that are more alkaline versus acid. You can also take a shot of either apple cider vinegar or the fruit juice Noni or Liph Solutions daily. This helps bring the pH higher, the closer you get to a pH of 8.0, the more alkaline you are the less cancer cells can live.
Abnormal cells do not like oxygen which can help break up the cancer cell. There are several herbs that are high in oxygen; Geranium, Artemisia, Mugwort, Honey (especially Manuka plus) and Ginkgo Biloba. Other alternative cancer therapies that are recommended are oxygen sauna therapy, ultraviolet therapy, MSM, hydrogen peroxide and graviola, an herb from the Amazon, with amazing anti- cancer results. Along with aromatherapy oils such as Frankincense, Ginger, Lemon, Angelica to help with all emotional issues surrounding disease.
Detoxify your body of abnormal cells. Many fruits and vegetables can help along with other foods high in polyphenols and resveratrol compounds. Give your body as much anti-oxidants as you can! One National Cancer Institute spokesperson said “It is mind boggling, that ordinary fruits and vegetables can be so effective against cancer; it is overwhelming that they are very powerful preventives that could wipe out cancer”. Look up lists of anti-oxidants and pick the highest on the ORAC scale; try out different ones. Examples are Green Tea, Goji berries, Vitamin D3, alpha- lipoic acid, or Japanese Knotweed. Cancer simply does not thrive in an anti-oxidant rich body! Make your internal environment an uninhabitable home for cancer cells.
Boost the Immune system to help it fight the growth of abnormal cancer cells. Of course, the first thing is to decrease or stop eating the sugars, white flours and simple carbohydrates; and no processed foods. Eat only whole fresh foods or fresh juices. Start a program by adding herbs, either Echinacea, Red Clover, Mushroom complex, especially with Maitake and Chaga, to build up your immune cells. Studies also show you need probiotics to help the immune system to rebuild the healthy good bacteria.
Enzymes are very important for cancer production and destruction. The most beneficial are Pancreatic and Bromelian along with plant proteases are excellent and powerful anti-inflammatories.
I know this is a lot of work and it will take time to accomplish. Many feel overwhelmed with all the suggestions, but you can start the program with a few changes per week. You can add or delete those to which you respond better, there may be also some toxic build up along the way from the dying cancer cells so always drink plenty of filtered water to help the passing of toxic waste!!
Your health is something you are responsible for! There are many practioners and or doctors who will work with you for the best possible program to bring you back to health.
The Practicing Herbalist by Margie Flint
Healthy Healing by Linda Page