Air Purifiers VS. House Plants


It can be hard to breathe easy once you discover what’s really in the air all around you. Pollutants like asbestos, noxious chemicals, dust mites, pet dander, second-hand smoke and airborne viruses represent just a few of the dangers that may be waiting for you every time you inhale.

When it comes time to truly clear the air, there are two pathways to choose from: science or nature. Do you want to deploy the most efficient air purifying technology on the market or put your faith in the leafy filters of traditional, friendly houseplants?

There are good reasons to support each, including a claim for air purifiers based on respect for plants. Here’s an overview of the air purifier vs. house plant debate and what are the pros and cons of each.

Air Purifiers

Pros: Relatively simple, wide coverage area, consistent levels of air purification, malfunctions covered by warranty

Cons: Energy costs, some purifiers make dubious claims, purifiers with ozone emission can harm your lungs

House Plants

Pros: Relatively inexpensive, can improve the décor, indicates a commitment to a more natural lifestyle

Cons: Plant care is often difficult; slight variations in water or lighting can kill off the plants; even well-tended plants can die unexpectedly; pest control is an issue.

The Science Behind It All

Many supporters of house plants as natural air filters point to a NASA study from the 1980s that investigated using plants for air filtration on spacecraft. Studies from the EPA, however, suggest that those finding don’t apply to common indoor air pollutants.

A careful review of existing research by Building Ecology concluded, “At present, it is premature to recommend that using plants indoor is viable means of controlling indoor air pollution.” Their main finding was that there just is not enough evidence that indoor plants significantly reduce the amount of the most common volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the air. Further studies will need to control for parameters such as VOC removal rates, types of plants, unfiltered control spaces, and ventilation rates.

Of course, any time when there are two choices, eventually somebody is going to want to choose both. That is exactly what has happened in the purifier vs. plant debate, resulting in air purifiers that operate with plants inside them.

Final Thoughts

Some of the most popular plants for air filtration include aloe Vera, chrysanthemums, ficus trees, bamboo palms and peace lilies. While these may beautify the living space and communicate an ecological focus, there are other considerations. Some plant lovers have pointed out that because plants are living beings, putting them to work as air filters may not be the most respectful way to treat them.

The best answer may be finding a way to incorporate both air purifiers and plants working together in different areas. Air purifiers do a better job of filtering the air in larger spaces like offices and living rooms, while plants are more efficient for small spaces like hallways and bathrooms.

If you are serious about learning more about air purifiers and how they compare, take a look at the best air purifier reviews at TopTenReviews. Categories for comparison include critical decision factors like area coverage, air flow rates, noise level and clean air delivery rates. Each brand presents its own unique approach to clearing the air.


Kenny Quinn