We’ve known for some time that popcorn is an abundant source of fiber, and that it has some B vitamins and minerals such as manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorous. But now we’re learning its major benefits come from popcorn’s antioxidant properties.
A team of researchers from the University of Scranton (Pa.) ran a lab analysis on several types and brands of popcorn and found that popcorn’s crunchy hull is rich in polyphenols—antioxidants that prevent damage to human cells. Polyphenols are also believed to have disease-fighting properties.
Popcorn has an antioxidant called ferulic acid that’s also found in beans, corn, rice, wheat, barley and many other grains. Ferulic acid has shown a wide range of therapeutic effects against cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neuro-degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s) largely because of its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
Polyphenols are concentrated in hulls because popcorn doesn’t have a lot of water and because it’s 100% whole grain. Some other foods that have polyphenols, such as fruits and vegetables, contain a lot more water. Another plus: popcorn is usually minimally processed.
8 Surprising Health Benefits Of Snacking on Popcorn Daily
Sugar Levels
The third basic part of the fiber is its effect on glucose in the body. At the point when the body has plentiful measures of fiber, it controls the discharge and administration of glucose and insulin levels better than individuals with low levels of fiber. Lessening these vacillations in glucose is a real reward for diabetic patients, so the popcorn is dependably a suggestion on the off chance that you experience the ill effects of that troublesome ailment.
Cholesterol Check
Fiber works in another gainful route inside the body, and entire grains contain the sort of fiber, which can strip off abundance cholesterol from the dividers of veins and corridors. Subsequent decreasing your general cholesterol levels, and bringing down your possibilities of perilous cardiovascular conditions like atherosclerosis, heart assaults, and strokes. Additionally, this lessens the strain on the cardiovascular framework since the heart doesn’t have to work so difficult to move blood through blocked up vessels and supply routes.
High Calcium Diet
Popcorn is high in vitamins: riboflavin, niacin and thiamine and, in addition, the greater part of the B-Complex vitamins. All of which the body needs following our bodies don’t deliver vitamins all alone, and we need to supply it with them.
Good Iron Source
Popcorn has more iron than eggs, meal’s meat, codfish or milk. Along these lines, eating a couple of modest bunches of popcorn can be in the same class as drinking a glass of milk or having a dish hamburger sandwich. Particularly if you are thinking of increasing the consumption of protein.
Free radicals do a considerable measure more harm than the disease. They have been nearly connected, to of age-related side effects like wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration. And lack of sight, muscle shortcoming, cognitive decrease, osteoporosis. Alzheimer’s sickness, dementia, male pattern baldness, and a wide assortment of different things we by and large don’t anticipate as we age. Popcorn can keep you feeling sound and upbeat very much into your old age on account of the effective cell reinforcements that battle these impacts of free radicals.
Only snack that is 100% whole grain
It is a very good source of dietary fiber as it is a whole grain snack. To be more precise, 1.3 grams of fiber are found in 1 cup of pop. Whole grains have phenolic acid which is easier for the body to absorb.
Prevention of Cancer
It has been rather shocking to find out in recent researches that popcorns contain large amount of antioxidants. To be more precise, they constitute large quantity of polyphenolic compounds which is one of the most powerful antioxidants that can be put in the body. Popcorn contain more number of antioxidants than fruits and vegetables.
It is completely gluten-free. Instead of breadcrumbs, it can be coated with fish and chicken for that crispy crunch that you have always wanted. But for this, you have to finely grind the popcorn. It can also be seasoned like croutons and used as a topping on salads.
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