8 Superfoods to Curb Chronic Pain


Chronic pain is a serious problem for many adults: often centered in the muscles or the nerves, it can bring on fatigue, sleeping problems, and even emotional issues like depression. People with this problem often seek the help of medical specialists and frequently have special exercises and/or analgesics to help control this. Dietary management is not always discussed, but proper nutrition can also play a role in pain management and below are eight foods to consider in your diet if you are a chronic pain sufferer.

Ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols which help relieve chronic pain by reducing the inflammation which causes it. One study showed that it can help relieve these problems as effectively as non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) but without the digestive problems that are a frequent side effect of NSAID use.

This deep gold spice is popular in a number of Indian dishes and curries and is also a powerful anti-inflammatory due to its active ingredient, curcumin. It is particularly good for arthritis sufferers as it protects the delicate tendons and cartilage of the joints and improves nerve cell function.

Onions are also wonderful for treatment of chronic pain since they are a rich source of quercetin, another powerful antioxidant and help reduce free radical damage and inflammation in the bodily tissues. It also has the added benefit of lower the chances of heart disease.

Garlic is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is rich in sulfur, a nutrient which can help stimulate the immune system and also reduce pain and swelling throughout the body. In addition, it can also help boost cardiac health and function.

Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D, both of which have been linked to improved outcomes for chronic pain sufferers. The fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties and is particularly effective at treating arthritis.

Olive Oil
The polyphenols in olive oil help to reduce the mechanisms that cause pain within the body and this can be used in the diet or topically as a massage oil. It contains oleocanthal which has been shown to effectively reduce inflammation in the body.

Hot Peppers
The compound capsaicin, which gives hot peppers their heat, stimulates the endorphins which are the body’s natural analgesics and can also actively block pain signals in the body. In addition, capsaicin also helps reduce the production of prostaglandins, which lead to exacerbation of pain.

Daily consumption of yogurt can also help reduce chronic pain, especially in regards to bone pain, since it is rich in calcium and Vitamin D to build bones up and also strengthen the muscles. Its probiotic properties also help with reduction of inflammation.

While exercise, stress control and analgesia are all excellent for management of chronic pain, what you eat, too, can make a difference in your quality of life. Consider adding or increasing the intake of these foods in your diet to help reduce pain and improve your general well-being.

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Rosalina is a topic that Tracy particularly enjoys covering. Rosalina loves studying the latest trends in cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. Rosalina writes on all aspects of beauty - hair and skin care, makeup, tips and tricks and product reviews.