8 Steps to Make Homemade Coconut Oil and 40 Reasons Why You Need It In Your Pantry


A major component of coconut oil is lauric acid, which has anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, thus making coconut oil with many beneficial effects on overall health. Below listed a collection of coconut oil uses which have been proven by researches:

1.Reduce psoriasis and eczema
2.Get rid of dandruff
3.Relieve the symptoms of flus and colds
4.Stop bladder infections
5.Treat chronic fatigue
6.Cure toothaches
7.Reduce peptic ulcers
8.Help with benign prostaic hyperplasia
9.To treat epilepsy
10.Clear up genital herpes

11.Treat AIDs
12.Reduce the risk of getting heart disease
13.Lower cholesterol levels
14.Control blood pressure
15.Prevent damage from free radicals
16.Boost immune system
17.Treat candida
18.Treat several infections
19.Improve IBS
20.Promote weight loss

21.Speed up metabolism
22.Boost energy
23.Cure sunburn
24.Heal wounds
25.Remove dead skin cells
26.Prevent wrinkles
27.Reduce inflammation
28.Condition hair
29.Make bones stronger
30.Treat gallbladder disease

31.Cure stomach ulcers
32.cancers, including breast and colon cancer
33.Promote liver health
34.Cure earache
35.Treat throat infection
36.Treat kidney stones
37.Prevent stretch marks
38.Remove makeup
39.Use as a deodorant
40.Prevent Alzheimer’s

You can achieve the benefits from coconut in its different forms, the recommended daily dose are: 3 ½ tablespoons coconut oil or
half a coconut or 2 ¾ cups dried coconut or 300ml coconut milk.

8 Steps to Make Homemade Coconut Oil By Yourself

Things you have to prepare

  • 3 Mature coconuts(makes about 1/2 cup solid oil)
  • A blender
  • A jar with lid
  • A container with lid
  • A spoon
  • A knife
  • A chisel
  • 3 layers of cheesecloth
  • A bowl


1. Use the knife to shave off as much of the outer shell of the coconuts as you can, and then cut the coconut in half, drain the coconut milk into the jar.

2. Scoop out the coconut meat and place into the bowl.

3. According to how many coconut meat you have, add 50% more water to the bowl than the coconut meat. Means if you have 2 parts of coconut meat, add 3 parts of water.

4. Pour the mixture into the blender, place the lid on the blender and plug it in. Keep the blender on “chop” setting for 1 minute and then “blend” setting for 3 minutes. Then the contents will become as a smooth.

5. Place the three layers of cheesecloth over the bowl, on on top of the other, and pour the coconut from the blender onto the cheesecloth.

6. Pour the coconut milk into the jar, screw the lid tightly on the jar and leave the coconut milk to ferment.

7. Put the coconut milk into warm place for 6-8 hours and then chill the jar in the refrigerator for 3 hours to get the solid oil.

8. Scoop out the oil and save it in the container with a lid. Keep it in the fridge and use as desired.

1) http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/35-things-you-could-do-with-coconut-oil-from-body-care-to-health-to-household
2) http://www.livestrong.com/article/194972-how-do-i-make-homemade-coconut-oil/
3) http://www.greenthickies.com/71-coconut-oil-benefits/

Beverly Entin