8 Nourishments You Should Consider In Your Post-Workout Regime


The science of what to eat immediately after a workout is rather complicated. Thankfully, there’s consensus among most workout experts and nutritionists, in terms of the kinds and quantities of nutrients you need to infuse your body with, the right quantities, and of course, the ideal sources for these nutrients. If you want build your muscles with your intense workout regimen, you’d want to give a boost to the protein synthesis processes in your body, and would want to maximize nitrogen retention. Protein shakes have, almost inexplicably, won the post-workout foods market, despite their being other better, simpler, and inexpensive alternatives. We’ve culled together the top 8 post-workout nourishments that will help you achieve your workout goals faster, without risking any enmity with your taste-buds.

1)Pan Cakes With A Twist

We’re sure you’re surprised; this is not a joke, however. Mix 4 egg whites with half a cup each of rolled oats and cottage cheese, add a pinch of baking powder and vanilla extract to taste. Once you cook the dough, let it bubble, and then allow it to cool. Add berries and banana slices on top, and you’ve got awesome pancakes laden with hefty protein diet without the carbs. The combination of nutrition works awesomely well for people looking to retain muscle tissues and leaning up simultaneously. Your pancakes will help your body stay anabolic by sourcing a steady supply of amino acids.

2) Oats Like Never Before

Here’s another delicious take on a conventional post-workout meal choice, that’s ideal for gym junkies looking to stay lean and build muscles. Oats can be too bland and burnt out for spoilt taste-seeking gym goers. Infuse some creativity – add 2 scoops of your whey powered to half a cup of rolled oats, add a fist full of chilled dry fruits, pour half a cup of water or skimmed milk to the mix, and season with almonds, and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Want more flavours? Add some cinnamon. This oats recipe is rich in proteins and not too heavy in terms of carbs – a perfect, fruity, healthy post-workout food.

3) Reinventing Eggs Scramble

Overdose of egg whites can instigate emotional eating anytime; you’ll be found out fighting for a Mars bar before you know it. Here’s an alternative – take 4 whole eggs and add 2 egg whites to it. Add a mix of chopped vegetables, bell peppers, onions, and spinach. Want to go high on proteins? Add some diced ham. Want more carbs? Add some fruits as side serving. Cook your egg scramble, and enjoy a delicious dose of omega-3 fats, minerals, and vitamins.

4) Sweet Potatoes to the Rescue

For all those of you involved in high intensity workouts, it’s important to build up your energy reserves every day. Plant based carbs are ideal for the same, helping replenish muscle glycogen your body. Sweet potatoes are pretty good choices for the same, serving almost 3 days’ worth of Vitamin A along with a lot of fiber and 26 grams of carbs to your body, keeping you gym-ready for the next day.

5) All Fats are Not Bad – Try Avocadoes

Cynthia Sass, author of Slim Down Now, talks about the need to not treat fats as your enemies, because mono-saturated fats can contribute to muscle repair. Avocadoes are delicious little punches of vitamin B, and also bless your body with healthy fats that can help absorb vitamins A and E.             Add a few slices to an omelet, and you’ve got a superfood right there.

6) Keep It Classy – With Cheery Juice

The flavonoids and anthocyanins present in whole cherries are superb sources of antioxidants that help keep muscle damages at bay. A recent study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that subjects who regularly drank tart berry juice showed reduced levels of muscle soreness and reported remarkably lower strength losses after their workouts, as compared to other subjects.

7) The Invincible – Green Tea

Want a food that helps fight free radicals, burns fats, and gives you an energy boost when you need it the most? You know it already, but probably don’t drink it regularly enough- the answer’s green tea. Its antioxidants help metabolize fats away, and kill free radicals in your body, helping you recover from the workout quickly.

8) Tuna and Grain Crackers

Here’s the perfect post-workout diet for those who train in the morning, and depend on their breakfast for the replenishment. Grab a can of tuna and add half a cup of crushed grain crackers, with some extra virgin olive oil, and some copped pickles to the mix. The recipe will work wonders to deck up your body with nutrients that you’d have selflessly lost during the workout. You can definitely check out more exciting healthy breakfast recipes from the LegionAthletics blog.

If you’re finding your passion for the gym waver a little, it probably has to do something with the lack of taste and excitement in your post-workout nourishment choices. Trust the options described above, and reinvent that vigour.

Jessica Gerber
Jessica Gerber has been a freelance writer for last 11 years. She attended the University of Boston and graduated with a Bachelor in English Literature. She loves public speaking and motivates people in her own comic style. In her career, she has written dozens of Press Releases, Articles, and Essays.