7 Superfoods Every Woman Should Have To Feel Younger


1. Low-fat Yogurt
Yogurt is high in calcium as well as protein. Due to this yogurt is able to fight osteoporosis. It also decreases the risk of developing breast cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, and other problems with the digestive track. Yogurt can also help fight off yeast infections and increase the amount of good bacteria that is naturally found in the body.

2. Fatty Fish
Fish with a higher fat content such as salmon and tuna contain Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the brain. They also reduce the risks of developing blood clots. Fatty fish have been shown to protect a woman from heart conditions, a stroke, depression, and pain. These fish can be consumed two to three times a week. While they do contain fat they are still leaner than most cuts of red meats and contain less calories.

3. Beans
Beans are high in protein and fiber and low in fat and cholesterol. They help the body fight off heart disease and breast cancer. Beans are also recommended for women who may be at risk for developing colon cancer. Beans will support a woman physically and mentally as she is going through menopause due to the high amount of protein. Protein is also important for lean muscle mass which will help keep a woman in shape.

4. Dark Chocolate
Every women loves chocolate so it is great that there are added health benefits. Dark chocolate contains anti-oxidants which reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Chocolate contains nutrients including magnesium and copper zinc which help make bones strong. Dark chocolate can keep the skin hydrated. It is recommended to eat a quarter of a bar of dark chocolate a day.

5. Papaya
This super food contains a high amount of potassium and vitamin C. These vitamins are needed to help keep blood pressure low. Papaya also helps fight gallbladder disease which women are at a high risk for developing. Pregnant women should avoid papaya until after they have given birth. This fruit is said to contain contraceptive properties. For women that have sensitivity to contraceptives papaya can reduce the chance of becoming pregnant.

6. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain a large amount of anti-oxidants including lycopene. This helps reduce the risks that a woman will develop breast cancer. Tomatoes can also protect the skin from the sun. They are able to combat harmful UV rays which can cause the skin to wrinkles. Tomatoes are also low in fat and calories allowing a woman to stay slim and in shape.

7. Spinach
This leafy green is great in a salad. Spinach is a great source of folate which will help protect a woman from heart disease, colon cancer, and even from developing dementia. Spinach can also help a woman stay younger looking. The skin can become damaged due to exposure to the sun. Spinach can help rehydrate the skin, prevent wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. As a woman ages her skin can become rough to the touch. Spinach can help keep the skin looking and feeling soft.

Women have special health concerns and special dietary needs in order to not only be healthy but to stay looking good as well. The superfoods are foods that are found in the grocery store and many people have easy access to them. These foods are also relatively inexpensive. They costs much less then anti-aging creams and other supplements used to fight the signs of aging. These seven superfoods will help keep the body healthy and fight off conditions of again such as osteoporosis and heart disease. These superfoods can also reduce the appearance of aging and help a woman stay young and attractive looking.

Churchill Otieno
Churchill Otieno, holds a degree in Communications and Public Relations. He is an accomplished independent researcher, experienced, professional writer based in Chicago, IL past Mombasa, Kenya. He is an author and publisher for Consumer Health Digest - Joint Pain Center category since 2013. He has an additional credentials in health and lifestyle fitness. He has been writing articles on health for more than two years with interest on bone, joint health, arthritis, osteoarthritis etc. He is also a contributor to healthcentral.com and many other popular websites. His mission is to educate, empower and advocate people whose lives have changed due to arthritis joint pain. He also strive to support the families and caregivers as they learn how to advocate and care for the afflicted person.