7 Easy Tips To Increase Your Sales Online


The internet is the new medium for selling, and everyone is looking to get a leg up on the competition. This can be difficult, however, because the plethora of internet sales companies make it difficult to stand out from the crowd.

Consider the following ways to increase your online sales:

Slash Your Prices (Sort of!)

When someone sees a “deal” they are more likely to take advantage of it, which is why sales do so well. You may be asking how you can put your products, which already have a minimal margin, on sale. This is easily accomplished by raising your prices then slashing them. Kohl’s does a great job of this by loudly proclaiming that their products are on sale-even though these sales prices are generally the same as a standard MSRP.

Use Color Wisely

You know how bees and birds are attracted to bright colors? The same is true for people. When you are advertising links to your website or encouraging people to purchase your product, use red buttons. Red stands out more and attracts people’s attention. It also brings out memories of “sale items” and raises the heart rate-both of which make it more likely that a customer will purchase your product.

Convince Your Audience That They are About to Miss Out on Something

The more likely it is a customer will “miss” a deal, the more likely it is that they will make a snap decision and purchase the product. Create a sense of urgency by stressing the limited availability of a product or advertising an upcoming price increase. Visually showing a time limit by having a countdown prominently displayed on your website is also a great way to encourage customers to purchase immediately.

Coupon Codes

Coupon codes are a wonderful way to slash the prices of your online products while at the same time putting a time sensitive spin on your campaign. Coupon codes are deals that a customer can enter during checkout in order to lower the price of a product. These can typically be found on coupon code websites in which members can search coupon codes online. By using customized coupon codes templates, you are creating your own coupon to be geared towards your target audience as a pertinent way to significantly increase your sales.

Upsell, Upsell, Upsell

Upselling means encouraging customers to purchase accessories or other products based upon their current purchase. Even if these “add-ons” are low cost items, if you can get a majority of your customers to purchase an add-on, you can increase your revenue dramatically. Try placing “suggestions” on the checkout page to encourage people to purchase other products.

Good Descriptions

You know your products inside and out, and since you are selling it, it’s clear that you stand behind them. Now, all you need to do is convince your customers how great your product is; and while a picture may be worth a thousand words, it may help add a few well placed words into your advertisement.

Crafting an elegant description of your product that highlights your products features is a great way to convince your customers to make a purchase.

Make People as if They are in an Exclusive Club

People want to belong, so play on this by telling them how many other people have purchased your product-sort of like the old McDonald’s signs that listed the amount of people they had served. Other ways to encourage a sense of belonging are to allow customers to brag about their purchases on Facebook where their friends can see it (and hopefully make a purchase).
