The best diet plan is the one that you will follow until success. Let’s admit it, many of us will try a certain diet for a certain time frame, like a week or two, then once we get tired of it or it seems to us that the diet is not effective (considering the time frame) we just quit it and continue with our favorite hobby-eating!
So before we move further with the suggestions that this article will be handing out for you, try to think first if you are ready to have a better version of yourself, if you are willing to start anew with passion and dedication. Because if you don’t, no amount of suggestion or diet plan will be able to help you for real.
Studies shows that obesity leads to numerous types of health issues, such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease, which is technically due to imbalance diet and queer lifestyle of a person. Thus, controlling obesity or weight gain lies not only with the fact that you are to control your intake of foods but also with great dedication for change. In connection with this, the following are some of the useful tips to help you start your weight loss diet plan and follow through until you achieve your goal.
Tip #1: Alkalize your body
No matter which diet plan you follow, to maximize your energy, vitality and maintain a healthy body you need to provide your body the important nutrients it needs. If your diet is rich in acid-producing foods, you will easily gain more weight and fat. On the other hand, you’ll lose weight and fat if your diet is rich in alkalizing foods. Your blood will be less acidic when your body consumes low acid-producers foods such as fruits and vegetables.
One of the best way to alkalize your body is to use wheatgrass. I first received this advice from Tony Robbins at his Unleash The Power Within event. Then I learnt how important it is to maintain the body’s pH level at 7.34 to have optimal health and vitality.
Tip #2. Go for long term change
Most weight problems are linked with the person’s lifestyle as well as eating habits. Therefore if you would want to have better curves on your body, then you need to start it by changing your lifestyle and eating habit as well. Parts of this are: changing calorie rich foods with healthier, low-calorie ones, being more active and as well as minimizing your food portions. It is certainly a fact that there are numerous diets in the market that will definitely help you in terms of kick starting your diet plan, it is still best to know that permanent change in lifestyle and eating pattern will provide you a much better, long –term , worthwhile result.
Tip #3. Stay focused
Your diet goal will certainly be the main reason to keep you in a diet and will also determine how long will you stay in it. Goals such as “being able to wear a gorgeous bikini for summer” is not as effective as “becoming more confident or healthier for your family”; the former may keep you moving for a week or two until the time of summer, but the latter can make you inspired for the rest of your life.
Tip #4. Set tangible objectives
There are numerous diet programs that promises great results in a week or two, but as the old fable of the tortoise and the rabbit tells us,” slow and steady wins the race”. Instead of setting your expectations too high, set tangible objectives, like 2 pounds a week, so you will not get frustrated and stressed about your weight loss diet. The goal here is to keep moving while being happy with your diet results.
Tip #5. Track your progress
Tracking will not only keep you updated about your progress, but it will also serve as your motivation to continue pursuing your weight loss diet plan. Try to keep a weekly journal or even a smart phone application that will help you track you weight improvement. Just bear in mind to set tangible objectives as we fore mentioned, in this way you will continuously be able to check and be inspired by reward of your hard work.
Tip #6. Finish the race
Whatever happens, no matter how hard it already seem, keep moving. Finish your race. If you really want to have a long term solution to your weight problem, then there is no shortcut to it. Finish what you’ve started to get a long term result. The key here is that once the change in lifestyle and eating habit has been embedded in your system, it will stay there for a long period of time and thus it will deliver you not only a healthier body but also a better life with the best version of yourself.
If you’d like to get more motivation, mindset and strategies to achieve your goals in any area of your life, I highly recommend you to attend Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within event like I did.