Increase Risk of Magnesium Deficiency
Symptoms of poor magnesium intake can include muscle cramps, facial tics, poor sleep and chronic pain. It pays to ensure that you get adequate magnesium before signs of deficiency occur. Adequate magnesium is necessary for nerve conduction and is also associated with electrolyte imbalances that affect the nervous system. Low magnesium has also been associated with personality changes and sometimes depression.
Are you getting enough Magnesium?
According to research on average magnesium intake less than 30% of U.S. adults consume the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of magnesium. And nearly 20% get only half of the magnesium they need daily to remain healthy. Magnesium is a very vital mineral that our body needs for more than 300 biochemical reactions. It assists normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beat regulated and helps your bones stay strong. Magnesium helps regulate blood glucose levels and is a key player in the production of energy. There is growing evidence that magnesium is necessary in preventing or minimizing medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Many individuals could benefit from regular intake of a reputable Magnesium supplement or Magnesium Oil.
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:
Mild symptoms include: Anorexia, Apathy, Confusion, Fatigue, Irritability, Sleep Disturbances, Muscle twitching, Memory Loss, Learning Challenges. Moderate symptoms include: Cardiovascular changes and rapid heartbeat. Severe deficiency symptoms: Prolonged muscle contractions, delirium, numbness, hallucinations and tingling.
6 Habits that Increase Risk of Magnesium Deficiency
- Drinking carbonated beverages on a regular basis. Most colas and darker sodas contain phosphates. These substances bind with magnesium inside the intestines which makes it unusable.
- Eating processed sugary desserts and candy on a regular basis. Refined sugar doesn’t contain any magnesium and it causes the body to excrete magnesium through the kidneys. Not only are these foods taking away magnesium but also robbing the body of other nutrients because of the energy required to break down these bad for you foods. The more sugar filled and processed treats you consume, the more deficient in magnesium you become.
- Exposed to High levels of stress daily or had a major surgery. Both physical and emotional stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency. Stress can cause magnesium deficiency and ironically being low on magnesium tends to intensify the stress reaction becoming a never ending cycle. The precursors to the stress and anxiety feelings, adrenaline and cortisol, are shown to have correlation with decreased magnesium.
- Drinking coffee or tea daily. Magnesium levels are controlled in the body in large part by the kidneys, which filter and excrete excess magnesium and other minerals. But caffeine causes the kidneys to release extra magnesium regardless of body status.
- Medications for diabetes, some heart medications, birth control or estrogen can also reduce magnesium levels in the body. The loss of magnesium is typically through the kidneys with these medications.
- Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcohol also depletes magnesium as it lowers the amount available to the cells via increased excretion by the kidneys. Research shows over 30% of alcoholics suffer from a magnesium deficiency.
Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Magnesium. Accessed February 12, 2013.
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