6 Affordable superfoods to add to your grocery list


“Superfood” is a term which you hear a lot of nowadays, and while there is no set definition, in general it refers to a food such as a fruit, vegetable or grain which is high in nutrients like vitamins and minerals, but usually also other healthy things like antioxidants or dietary fiber. You may think that eating a diet rich in superfoods would be expensive, but there are many of these items that can fit easily into even a modest budget. Five of these budget-friendly superfoods are discussed below.


What beans are famous for is their high level of dietary fiber, but that is not all they bring to the table. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals and are a great source of plant-based protein, making them an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans. Also, there are some beans like black beans or garbanzos that are very low on the glycemic index, which means that they can fit into a diabetic diet. And as you can usually buy a pound of dry beans for under two dollars, they are also among the cheapest of superfoods.


These berries are rich in vitamin C and K, minerals like manganese, and antioxidants like polyphenols, making them uncontestably one of the best superfoods out there. They are also low on the glycemic index, making them appropriate for a diabetic diet and you will find that they are not as expensive as other berries like blackberries or raspberries. You can also buy them frozen in the off-season to save money without sacrificing nutrients along the way.


Many people avoid potatoes nowadays and it is true that they have a high calorie count and are high on the glycemic index. However, there are still things to recommend them, particularly if you consume them with their skins on. They are a rich natural source of potassium, which is a common nutritional deficiency but is absolutely essential for optimum bodily functioning. Baking is the healthiest method of preparing your spud and if you are careful about toppings, it can be an important part of a healthy meal.

Fatty Fish

Fish of any kind can be prohibitively expensive for many families if their budget is tight, but buying them frozen or even canned can be much easier on the budget. The Omega-3 fatty acids, iron and other nutrients found in fatty fish are incredibly important to a healthy diet and you can still get them from canned or frozen fish at a much lower cost.

Fortified Cereals

Most people don’t think of a superfood as being processed, but many fortified cereals are a great and inexpensive way to get nutrients like iron and dietary fiber without breaking the bank. They are also a great source of calcium. The iron and calcium are particularly important for women due to common female health problems like anemia and osteoporosis. Read the labels carefully to make sure that the product you are going to be is in fact fortified with these nutrients.

These superfoods are all rich in the nutrients that you need to achieve your optimum health. However, they are also reasonably priced and can be a great cornerstone of a family-friendly budget.

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Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.