How A 50-year Old Woman Cured Her Knee Pain With An Amazing Homemade Remedy


Knee pain is a common health problem that can affect your everyday activities, many people older than 50 suffer from this issue and seriously reduce the quality of life.

The Common Knee Pain Symptoms

  • Your knee is swollen
  • You have stiffness of your knee
  • You feel weakness on your knee
  • You feel hard to straighten your knee
  • Warmth of your knee
  • You find redness on your knee

It’s really a bad feeling to suffer from the knee pain, luckily, there are solutions to relieve the pain. A 50-year old woman with a constant pain in her knees and joints claimed that her symptoms were relieved greatly after she tried a homemade smoothie. She kept using the remedy and started feel the improvements in just a few days, and after some days she was able to walk and even run much better than before.

All ingredients she added in this remedy have great healing properties for dealing with the joints pain:

  • 100 grams of organic gelatine
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 2 cups of diced pineapple
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey

How to prepare:

Mix all the ingredients in your blender, blend them until you get a homogeneous mixture. Put the mixture into fridge and you can eat it once it becomes jellified.

Eat this smoothie regularly to reduce the knee pain.

The efficacy of this homemade smoothie is thanks to the potent ingredients:


Pineapple has great anti-inflammatory properties, so eat it regularly can relieve the knee pain and also improve the condition by strengthening the bones at the same time. What’s more, it’s rich in vitamin C, which is essential for improving your skeletal system.


Orange is abundant in vitamin C, which supports the bones health in a great way. Actually, a glass of orange juice a day will keep you free from the inflammation, thus reducing the risks of joints pain. Besides, calcium in orange also help you maintain healthy bones to improve your knee pain.


Cinnamon is well known for its ability to improve blood circulation, so it works to speed up the process of recovery of the painful knees and joints.


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Heidi Kristoffer
I am Heidi Kristoffer, as an expert on natural health and holistic medicine, I am willing to help people live happier capable lives by sharing my health opinions with others. I am good at writing topics such as: medicine, natural remedies, foods and mental health. I think living a simple and healthy life, including eating healthy, exercising regularly and positively thinking, is the best medicine.