5 Ways Lemon Oil Improves Health and Beauty


Lemons and lemon oil have been in the news a lot in recent times as people discover more of its uses for improving the health and also as a very effective beauty treatment. This oil is known for its detoxifying properties and, according to a study published in the journal Experimental Microbiology, its active components also make lemon oil one of the most potent anti-microbial essential oils.

Ayurvedic medicine has long used lemon oil in its healing traditions because of its potency, and it has been used for a variety of ailments ranging from the minor to the severe. Read on to discover five important ways in which lemon oil can be used for health and beauty.

Whiten Teeth

For truly white teeth and good oral health, skip the commercial toothpastes and simply make it at home! To do this, simply blend baking soda, lemon oil and coconut oil together into a paste and rub it on the teeth for 2 minutes. This whitens and cleans teeth naturally and avoids fluoride and other undesirable ingredients that are often found in commercial toothpastes

Cut Grease from Hands

Activities like fixing up a car or bicycle can result in a lot of greasy build-up on the hands. To solve this, simply add the essential oil of lemons to the soap. It will help cut through the grease and truly cleanse and disinfect the hands without drying them out.

Cleanse the Face

Regular use of lemon oil on the face can leave the skin soft and the complexion glowing. To achieve this, mix together lemon oil with baking soda and honey and use regularly. This will help to smooth out blemishes and the anti-microbial benefits of the honey and the lemon both will kill the bacteria that is the underlying cause of acne.

Lose Weight

One of the most attractive uses of lemon oil is as a weight loss add. To reap its benefits, simply add a few drops of this essential oil to water three times a day and drink. Lemon contains active compounds that stimulate the metabolism and make losing weight easier.

Boost Immunity

Because lemon oil is a natural anti-microbial and antioxidant, it really supports the health of the immune system and makes it less likely that infection or illness will develop. It also achieves this through stimulating good circulation in the lymphatic system, which plays a large role in the body’s immune defense.

In short, lemon oil is extremely versatile as well as being effective. This are just a few of the ways in which lemon oil can be used to benefits human health and beauty. It is also possible to experiment with this oil at home and find other ways in which it can prove beneficial.

Sources: healthguidance.org, stylecraze.com, huffingtonpost.com

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Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.