5 Ways to Increase Magnesium Levels


Magnesium simply does not get the “press” of elements like calcium or iron and yet it, too is an essential nutrient for maintaining a healthy body. Many adult, though they do not realize it, are quite deficient in this mineral and the ideal amount for an active adult to take in is actually around 2,000mg. Very few people get even close to that level! If there is a concern that magnesium deficiency is a possiblity, here are 5 ways to increase it rapidly. These methods are not dangerous, since the body is able to get rid of extra or unnecessary magnesium.

1. Include Magnesium- Rich Foods in the Diet
This might sound a little obvious, but one of the best ways to increase the body’s level of this nutrient is simply to follow a diet that is magnesium-rich. The richest sources of magnesium include kelp, certain nuts (such as almonds, cashews, brazil nuts and pecans), molasses (generally, the dark the grade of molasses, the most nutrient-rich it is), and certain grains (like buckwheat or millet). If using the nuts as a source of magnesium, be sure to soak them ahead of time for about 1/2 a day and then rinse them to activate the needed enzyme inhibitors.

2. Supplement to Rich Magnesium Goals
Magnesium oxide is not recommended because of its potential to do damage to the intestinal walls and also the difficulty of absorbing it in the first place. However, magnesium citrate, colloidal magnesium, magnesium chloride, and chelated amino acid magnesium are all acceptable and will all aid in raising the body’s intake of this crucial nutrient.

3. Avoid Foods that Deplete Magnesium
Many people do not realize it, but certainly dietary practices can actually deplete the body’s magnesium supply. This includes gluten (found in wheat and some other grain products), alcohol and refined sugar. Conventionally farmed foods grown in mineral-deficient soil or cooked foodscan also be a problem. Thus, buying organic foods and, whever possible, eating them in the raw can help prevent this loss of magnesium from the body. Other possible culprits include table salt (if possible, replace with sea salt), tap water (use a filter to avoid the sodium fluoride) and coffeeor black tea.

4. Use Topical Magnesium
One of the most effective ways to restore magnesium to the body is to combine a nutrient-rich diet with oral supplementation as well as this — magnesium oil. For best results, rub this oil into the feet before bedtime. Not only will it help to increase the body’s levels of this mineral, it will be beneficial if there is a problem with legs twitching at night or problems with sleeplessness.

5. Supplement with other Helpful Nutrients
Many vitamins and minerals are simly not “stand alone” — they require the presence of other nutrients to help them be absorbed morereadily into the body. For magnesium levels to be built up to the optimum, it is also necessary to have sufficient levels of the following: Vitamins D3, B1, E and B6 as well as the mineral Selenium.

These are the five best ways to restore sufficient levels of magnesium to the body. Since magnesium plays a crucial role in many important biological functions, an adequate level is certainly required in order for the body to enjoy optimum health.

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Christine . S
Christine has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.