It seems that there is no privacy today, even when browsing the internet, your moves are recorded and broadcast to advertisers. The result? Targeted ads and annoying popups.
In order to maintain your privacy online, try the following:
Use a private bowser window
Most browsers offer a “private” or “incognito” browsing mode that allows you to view the web without having your history stored. This means that any “autocorrect” or cookie history will not pop up automatically (private browser windows also don’t save passwords).
This works great if you share a computer or use a public computer.
Block your cookies
Cookies are delicious, but they should stay to in your mouth, not in your computer.
A computer cookie is a small piece of data that a website puts into your browsing history. This isn’t always malicious, the data records your previous activity on that website and makes it easier for you to view the information you want quicker (based on your previous viewing habits).
Cookies also store passwords, making it easy to open a website such as Facebook without having to enter a username and password. You can turn off cookies in your browser, however the best way to make sure to eliminate all tracking devices is to download a cookie cleaner capable of conducting a thorough search of your cookies-and block future ones from tracking you.
Use Bitcoin
Nothing identifies you more than your bank or credit card account. Not only do you have a unique ID number issued from the bank, you also need to give them your social security number when you get the card. This can make it easy for someone to track your purchases-and you.
By using Bitcoin (or other online currency), you eliminate anything tied to your identity. Essentially, Bitcoin works like cash, in which it leaves no trace of your activity.
Halt Google
Google monitors you through Gmail, Google Calendar, Google+, YouTube and standard search. This combination covers pretty much everything you do online, from surfing to email and allows Google to offer you helpful links dedicated to your unique preferences-making it easier for you to access information.
The downside of this, however, is that this information can be used for nefarious purposes, such as selling your habits to outside vendors that can use it for anything from custom ads to publicly identifying your browsing habits.
Make sure to opt out of “shared endorsement” ads and turn off “ad personalization.”
Use a proxy
An IP address is just what it sounds like-essentially the address of where your computer “lives” and accesses the internet. This allows outsiders to not only identify your proximal location, but also how often you visit certain websites.
One way to avoid this is to instal a virtual private network (VPN) that hides your actual IP address and shows a different one, making it look like you are browsing from a second location. While it sounds complicated, a VPN is actually just a piece of software. Most are downloadable and require a monthly fee, but it is worth it to browse in peace.
This post is produced by Dusti Moore a writer and editor. She recommends investing in a good VPN as one of the smartest steps you can take toward improving your online privacy as it boosts security by encrypting and anonymising all your internet activity.