5 Health Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet


Made use of in the traditional Chinese medicinal practice for over 2,000 years, deer antler velvet has provided health benefits for many people. It is noted to be of immense health benefit, based on its contents of magnesium, calcium, and zinc, amongst other things. It helps to improve the immune system, memory, and iron levels in the body, whilst also providing an increase in energy and muscle strength. There are various health benefits of deer antler velvet based on the kind of animal used (eg. moose, deer, caribou, elk etc.). Following are several of the many aforementioned benefits.

  1. Overall Strength and Energy

Due to its abundance of calcium and magnesium, antler velvet gives strength to the taker. It builds up your muscles and leaves you with an energetic feeling throughout. Athletes and body builders have claimed that their strength increased after taking antler velvet, and that it made their performance better. The betterment of blood pressure has also been recorded in most medical experiments. Fitness trainers and body builders have also supported the regular use of antler velvet due to its immense health benefits for athletes, who say that their consistency was maintained far longer than before, and than what was anticipated.

  1. Immunity and Bones

A consistent intake of deer antler velvet boosts immunity to a completely new level. Since it already builds body, muscle, and joint strength overall, it also improves the immune system. It is a recommended remedy for the repair of cartilage, whilst also restoring proper joint health where some medicines and treatments fail. Antler velvet has been considered a noteworthy remedy to treat osteoarthritis and other bone-related injuries, the health of which isn’t easily restored, but antler velvet does so.

  1. Blood Pressure

People with high blood pressure can restore it to a normal level if deer antler velvet is taken on a regular basis, as prescribed by a doctor. Even if there is instability in blood pressure, this can be managed through proper intake of this remedy. It is also known to increase white and red blood cells. Blood clots are easily managed by use of antler velvet, as it improves blood circulation in the body, in turn boosting the immune system. It is also a boost for cardiovascular health, as it decreases the possibility of a stroke.

  1. Antler Velvet Supports Mental Health

Neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine are better managed, whilst it also reduces the possibility of mood swings. Overall, antler velvet maintains the mood of a person, and increases the possibility of a calm and peaceful mind. The anxiety relieving proponents of deer antler velvet leave one with enhanced performance of hormones and neurotransmitters, which can prove difficult to regulate at times.

  1. Enzymes and a Healthy Libido

Liver and kidney health improves largely due to the intake of antler velvet. It increases the performance of certain enzymes that prove beneficial for health and promotes regulated hormone balance. Through the years, deer antler velvet has also been used to improve the sexual drive of men who face impotency, whilst also maintaining testosterone hormones in the body. It is also known to treat various menstrual problems and menopausal issues.

In Conclusion

Deer antler velvet provides various health benefits, and although many people may not be aware of these positives, they have proven to be of assistance throughout medicinal history.





Helen Garvey
Author of Beauty Zone https://www.beauty-zone.co.uk, Healthy Woman https://www.healthy-woman.co.uk, and New Promo Codes http://www.newpromocodes.co.uk. Written on various topics, including finance, relationships, health and beauty, skincare, and health and fitness.