5 Foods that Maximize Cancer Risk


Cancer is one of the top ten killers in the United States today and remains a serious health threat both here and around the world. It can affect people of any age or race, both women and men, and can take hold in any part of the body. The disease can progress rapidly or take years to develop. There are infinite variations. However, there are some proven ways to help reduce your chances of developing this disease: maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising regularly, avoiding tobacco and excessive use of alcohol. It can also help to avoid the following foods, which can also raise the risk of cancer development.

Processed Meats

Although products like bacon, sausage, deli meats and other processed meats are popular foods, they are all high in nitrates, chemicals which are proven carcinogens. In addition, such products are general high in saturated fat and calories but contain little fiber, so they also put you at risk for weight gain and cancers of the digestive tract like colon cancer.


Foods that have been genetically modified are becoming more and more a part of the everyday American diet, and this is bad news because foods that have been altered at the genetic level may look and even taste the same as foods that have not, but they do not react the same in the human body. They have been linked to tumor growth in laboratory animals and can cause mutations in the cells that cannot be accounted for.

Conventionally Raised Foods

Foods that have been raised conventionally – that is, this heavy uses of pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizers – also carry with them a higher risk for cancer. This is because residues left behind upon the foods that are raised in this manner can then enter the human body, where they can have a big negative impact on the health and also raise the risk for cancer: many of these agricultural chemicals are known or suspected carcinogens.

Charred Foods

When foods are charred – and this can includes meats, vegetables or baked goods such as bread — what is created in this cooking process is a collection of chemicals known as heterocyclic aromatic amines, or HAA’s, which have been linked to the development of several types of cancer. It is much safer to bake, broil or poach foods, among other safe cooking methods, or to remove burnt or charred portions of food before consuming.

Foods with Additives

Food additives such as artificial colors, preservatives and sweeteners are found in many processed foods and several of these compounds are either known or suspected of causing tumor development. Perhaps one of the most infamous of these is aspartame, the artificial sweetener which has been linked to the developed of neurological disorders and cancerous brain tumors both.

If you are truly concerned about living a healthy lifestyle and keeping your risk of cancer development low, consider avoiding or eliminating this foods from your diet altogether. They are very commonplace in the modern diet, but still incredibly unhealthy and all have a negative impact on long-term health.

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Rosalina is a topic that Tracy particularly enjoys covering. Rosalina loves studying the latest trends in cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. Rosalina writes on all aspects of beauty - hair and skin care, makeup, tips and tricks and product reviews.