The transition from a stay in rehab back to your routine life comes with a package of all sorts. Your loved ones will welcome you with all eagerness and warmth, but may also nurture worries about a possible relapse. Your well-wishers and colleagues at work may offer their best to make life after rehab as comfortable as it had been for you prior to addiction. They will hope for a promising start that evolves into a firm commitment to your job role, and you will want to fulfill all of their dreams and live your life the way you always dreamt of. The following five recommendations post rehab can help to make your life successful.
Stay Connected With Sober Friends
Studies conducted on the reasons behind drug addiction cite that the majority of addictions owe to the temptation to experience a ‘good time’. Many people experiment with drugs, while others consider drug use as a vent to their frustration. Some people report drug use through the influence of friends. Whatever the reason behind your past addiction, it is essential that you associate yourself with friends who are sober. Though your rehab stay does a thorough job of making you realise the evils of drug addiction, whilst assisting you in your efforts to quit, you still need available support from the outside world. Connecting with friends who still use drugs may negatively influence you. Seek friends who are sober and you will have all of the moral support you need from them. You can plan a weekly meeting to share experiences, express concerns about any cravings you may have, and gain from their experience in facing such situations.
Consider Relocation
Some people consider relocating after rehab a wise move, while others feel that it concedes defeat. You may want to return to the same place after the rehab stay to prove a point to others, and to yourself too. However, making a fresh start, location included, can be a great motivation for you and your family. Shifting to a new place will also minimise the possibilities of a relapse, as you may be tempted by the factors that first caused the addiction. Moving to a new location is definitely not an act of cowardice, but is instead a brave attempt to face fresh challenges in a land that you have no familiarity with. It is definitely not running away with the fear of failure, but a bold move assisting you to work your way to success by adapting to a new environment, whilst creating new opportunities. Remember, your family needs a break too.
Tune Yourself To Regular Exercise
Exercise can provide many benefits. It can reduce your cravings thereby preventing the risk of relapse. Exercise improves dopamine levels, which are essential to reduce cravings. Doing yoga and aerobic exercises can aid in overall health. Yoga calms the mind, relieves addictions, and elevates your state of mind to a higher level.
Be Regular With Your Follow-Ups
It is important that you honour all appointments with counsellors so that you remain on track. Quality rehabs centers not only offer the perfect environment but they also extend their support after rehab session. Professional guidance will provide a clear picture of your progress, whilst motivating you to seek new horizons.
Have A List Of Alternate Choices
In spite of all your efforts, you may still be tempted to give in to those cravings. Therefore, it is essential to have alternate choices that are healthy and aid in preventing relapse. You may take up a new course that will challenge your learning skills, aiding you to perform better, diverting the mind from drugs. You may choose to participate in various hobbies that include physical exercise, such as gardening, cycling, or swimming. You may also choose to join a group of like-minded people who enjoy the same activities. Hobbies, such as these, will reduce your stress load and make you committed to your new healthy drug free lifestyle.