3 Easy Ways to Deepen your Meditation


Recently at a satsang event I was asked: “Why is it that my experience of meditation always feels deeper when attending an event with you?”

For sure there is no need to light candles, burn incense, play special music or wear specific robes or clothing in the hope that by doing so you will be able to remedy the lack of depth in meditation.

If you find that any or all of the below points affect your meditation spend a few moments practicing the below 3 suggestions for 9 days and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised!

▪ Do you find that sometimes meditation can be quite challenging?
▪ Does your mind feel very busy and cluttered?
▪ Perhaps you just can’t seem to go deeply into a meditative state?
▪ Do you get easily frustrated and simply feel meditation is not for you?

Firstly, it could be that you are releasing some or a lot of stressfrom your life experience, which is slowly becoming cleared in your meditation. This will obviously keep bringing you back up to the surface of thinking consciousness and very often stir the mind back to think about this or that.

So you see, it’s not a negative, as it may seem, rather a good way to allow your body and mind to release stress. Already understanding this changes everything.

I would now like to share with you these 3 easy ways to deepen your meditation experience.

1) You may wish to help this release of stress by simply tuning into the sound of your every breath, especially focusing on the full out-breath. Doing this at least 9 times.

It could be that your mind, body and nervous system are just over stimulated by the busyness of your life.

2) As with anything important one does, there is a need for a calm physiological preparation, or ritual, before your meditation session. It is natural, although we may not be aware of such, to create rituals even simple ones prior to sleep, a meal, meeting a friend etc.

Here is the preparation ritual: When sitting comfortably in meditation make sure your body is in a relaxed upright position with the back comfortably straightclose your eyes and take three deep breaths, making sure they are deep abdominal breaths.

Next for a second tense various parts of your body one at a time – thighs, hips, arms, hands and shoulders – and each time, after a second, relax as much as you can, breathing out and letting go of all the tension. Wow! Notice how this ritual and preparation takes you naturally to the next level of consciousness – calm awareness – encouraging instant calm in your life and meditation.

3) It could be that your diet is not suited to your nutritional or meditational needs, in that it may include too much sugar, too much meat and a poor variety of fruits and vegetables. It has been well documented that the food you eat makes you feel either calm and balanced or stimulates you to the point of a literal burn out! This is so typical of eating habits today that it is accepted as normal even by the medical profession.

You may wish to consider these three easy healthy dietary habits that will help relax the over- stimulated organs, nervous system and blood system back to a more natural state of calm.

(i) Go vegetarian for breakfast and at least one other meal a day.

(ii) Instead of sugary snacks choose healthy alternatives.

(iii) Include barley grass in your smoothie or as a supplement in easy to swallow tablet form.

In this clip I share with you a surprisingly simple and easy way to deepen your meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adnMf8JJPIE&feature=youtu.be.

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Tony Samara
Author and Spiritual Teacher at Tony Samara Meditation
Tony Samara, world-renowned spiritual teacher & author of 16 books, has been sharing deep spiritual work & energy transmission for the evolution of consciousness for over 25 years. Combining meditation, detoxing the body, a plant-based diet & simple lifestyle, he is best known for how his work touches more deeply than words. http://www.TonySamara.com

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