17 Personal Growth Affirmations that Can Change Your Life


Personal growth affirmations help you change your thinking, replace your habits, and achieve your goals. Written and used effectively, they can change your life. Many successful people use affirmation to achieve success, including Anthony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, and Will Smith. Listed below are some that I have used in my own life productively. Feel free to personalize and use them as you like.

What is an affirmation?

It is a well-thought-out written statement that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis, for the purpose of focusing your thoughts and developing a positive emotional state. This affects our everyday attitude and behavior, bringing about positive changes and personal growth in targeted areas of our life. Over time, through constant repetition, the affirmations become ingrained in our minds (consciously and subconsciously) and then our actions and reality begin to match our statements. Personal growth affirmations can be powerful strategy for personal development. They can change your beliefs about who you are and what is possible in life.

How do you write affirmations?

While there are no hard-and-fast rules for writing them, there are some guidelines and best practices. First, to be effective, the affirmation should be written in the present tense. “I have” or “I am” can be good ways to open. Second, it should convey that your desire or goal has already been accomplished. Example: “I feel good” vs. “I will feel good.” Next, it should be positive and make use of positive words. For instance, “I am strong” is better than “I am not weak.” You don’t want your mind focusing on “weak.” Finally the statement should be specific and personal, written in your own language style – the way you would actually speak.

How do you use affirmations?

Again, there isn’t anything set in stone; they can be used in numerous ways. One way to do it (this is how I normally do it) is to write five to seven affirmations on an index card and then go over them throughout the day – when you wake up, in the afternoon, and when you go to sleep – in your mind or out loud. Repeating them out loud is usually better, as you get to hear the words that you say, and you can say them with conviction (this really makes a difference). Repeat each affirmation five to seven times for best results. Closing your eyes and visualizing yourself being or doing what the affirmation specifies can add another dimension of power.

17 potentially life-changing personal growth affirmations:

  1. I see the obstacles in my life as opportunities for growth.
  2. I turn my personal weaknesses into personal strengths.
  3. I step outside of my comfort zone on a daily basis.
  4. I have a positive influence on others each day.
  5. I acknowledge my mistakes and learn from them.
  6. I overcome my fears by facing them head-on.
  7. I forgive those who hurt me – and I do not hold a grudge.
  8. I respect the beliefs and opinions of others.
  9. I accept criticism from others without taking it personally.
  10. I always see the bigger picture.
  11. I realize that success is usually the result of multiple failures.
  12. I take calculated risks and make good decisions.
  13. I look after myself by exercising and following a healthy diet.
  14. I love and accept my body as it is.
  15. I make time for myself to relax and de-stress.
  16. I persist when life gets tough and maintain a positive outlook.
  17. I participate in life, rather than waiting for it to happen.


Some tips for success…

Patience is key when using affirmations for personal growth. Using them inconsistently for a few days probably won’t be enough. Remember, it took you years to develop your current habits and thoughts, so you’ll need to give it at least a full month trial for them start producing results. Three months is better. Expect to become more aware of your feelings and thoughts once you start using your affirmations. You will start to feel better about yourself and your life. Ultimately, your behavior will change and you will achieve your goals and grow. Whatever you do, don’t give up. You have the power to change and take control of your life!

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Josh Brisbane
I’m Josh Brisbane, chief editor of ReinventingAging.org. I teach people just like you the 5 secrets Big Brands don’t want you to know about how to permanently lose weight (without extreme dieting, pills or strenuous exercise). Pick up my free course “Fat Loss for Grownups” today, and I’ll give you a free bonus worth $110.