15 Reasons Kombucha Is Called Ancient “Immortal Health Elixir”


Kombucha is a fermented tea that is naturally carbonated. Research shows that foods that are fermented are very good for you. It has a 2,000-year history as a cancer fighter and immune booster and Chinese even called it “the Immortal Health Elixir.” Kombucha contains b-vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and a high concentration of acid such as acetic, gluconic, and lactic.

15 Health Benefits of kombucha Elixir


Kombucha has probiotics and enzymes that promote detoxification. One of the main jobs of the good bacteria in your gut is to detoxify. By adding more beneficial bacteria to your gut, you’re getting the job done faster.


Kombucha sets iron free from black tea. That helps increase levels of blood hemoglobin, and improves oxygen flow to tissues. It also improves the body’s absorption of other non-heme (plant-derived) iron.

Immunity Booster

Kombucha is naturally high in antioxidants and supportive of the immune system. Again, there is no magic pill or silver bullet when it comes to immune function- it is best to support the body in its natural immune process.


Constipation is often chronic and caused by eating the wrong foods or getting insufficient exercise. Much like diarrhea, constipation has reportedly been cleared up quickly by kombucha tea. Perhaps that’s because drinking kombucha tea helps to restore intestinal flora.


Kombucha helps balance the metabolism. Animal studies show the tea may cause weight loss by encouraging calorie restriction.


Research dating back to 1929 found kombucha can decrease blood sugar levels. More recent animal studies report that kombucha significantly reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic rats.Another study suggested kombucha may be considered a candidate for the treatment and prevention of diabetes.

Kidney Toxicity

Kombucha may help eliminate kidney damage caused by environmental pollutants and may be beneficial to patients suffering from renal impairment.Kombucha has also been used to prevent calcification in the kidney and may prevent the formation of kidney stones.


Gout can result when a person eats too much rich food over many years. Because kombucha tea balances the intestinal flora and stimulates metabolism, drinking the tea could be a helpful remedy for gout.

Cholesterol levels

We all know that high blood lipid levels (excessive cholesterol) and hypertension (high blood pressure) ultimately lead to cardiovascular disease, the number one killer in North America. Drinking kombucha tea has been found to decrease blood cholesterol levels.


Kombucha has been used to prevent headaches and dizziness caused by hypertension. It’s been recommended for treating high blood pressure.


Vitamin C in kombucha enhances iron absorption. Researchers suggest kombucha is particularly recommended for elderly people and vegetarians because it enhances the absorption of iron and helps prevent iron deficiency.

Liver Health

Kombucha is high in Glucaric acid, which is beneficial to the liver and aids its natural detoxification. As Kombucha also supports healthy gut bacteria and digestion, it helps the body assimilate food more easily and provides quick and easy energy without caffeine.


Individuals with arthritis have reported healing effects from drinking kombucha tea. Many dancers, both in Russia and North America, drink kombucha tea and report fewer ligament and arthritis problems, both of which are common among dancers and other athletes.

Joint pain

Kombucha can help heal, repair and prevent joint damage in a number of ways. Kombucha is loaded with glucosamines, which increase synovial hyaluronic acid production. This supports the preservation of collagen and prevents arthritic pain. It also reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Cancer Prevention

Kombucha has also been proven beneficial for cancer prevention and recovery. A study published in Cancer Letters found that by consuming glucaric acid found in kombucha reduced the risk of cancer in humans.


Homemade Kombucha Recipe


8 green tea bags
1 cup sugar
1 gallon of water
1 gallon Mason jar
1 old t-shirt


-Boil 64 oz of water (8 cups) in a large pot.
-Add 8 green tea bags and allow to steep for 20 minutes. Remove the tea bags.
-Add 1 cup of sugar and stir well.
-Allow the tea to come to room temperature and pour into a clean one-gallon mason jar or crock.
-Add 64 oz more water to the jar and place the SCOBY into the jar.
-Cover with a piece of old t-shirt, and secure with a rubber band.
-Allow the homemade kombucha to ferment in a dark place for 7-14 days.
-You may drink the homemade kombucha tea then.

Sources and reference:





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Alijuina Herw
Alijuina Herw is a passionate, tea-loving, nutritionist, herbalist , who believes in the healing power of nature. She help people find out what their goals are, then coach them to use their own resources to improve their health and happiness. She like to see her as a very holistic nutritionist, herbalist that you can trust for the best advice and service for your health.