13 Things No One Told You About Sugar


We all know that too much sugar in our diet is unhealthy – and can drain our energy to take all those fitness classes. But there are even more dangerous (and interesting) facts about your sweet tooth that you probably didn’t know. To name a few…


1.Sugar doesn’t always go by its name! It’s hidden in many foods under sneaky names like barley malt, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, sucrose and more.

2.It’s also added into breads, cereals, tomato sauces, fat-free salad dressings and yogurts that it really doesn’t need to be in.

3.All of this added sugar can actually make you more addicted to sweet things and increase your cravings.

4.That excess sugar in the diet has an inflammatory effect which can increase your risk of depression and other mood disorders.

5.That the ups and downs in your blood sugar levels can make you feel like you’re on a roller coaster: you have so much energy and then you crash 30 minutes later.

6.Trying to get a six-pack? Or just want to be toned? Sugar may be the biggest culprit to belly fat, according to some studies.

7.But there is good news! There are healthy ways to eat sugar!

8.Although there are sugars found inside fruit, because of the water and fiber that is naturally present, it’s still good for you. Plus, it has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, too!

9.Some root vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes have sugar – but are still great for you (and yummy!)

10.Really, like with anything, it’s all about moderation.

11.And it’s okay to satisfy your sweet tooth every once in a while.

12.It’s more just about being mindful and looking out for deceiving ingredients and labels.

13.Then you’ll have a healthy heart, have more energy, be able to rock it out at all of those fitness classes you love – and most importantly, you’ll feel awesome about yourself.




Alijuina Herw
Alijuina Herw is a passionate, tea-loving, nutritionist, herbalist , who believes in the healing power of nature. She help people find out what their goals are, then coach them to use their own resources to improve their health and happiness. She like to see her as a very holistic nutritionist, herbalist that you can trust for the best advice and service for your health.