13 Safe and Effective Natural Remedies that Really Work


Before modern medicine came into existence, natural treatments were the only way to deal with ailments. The introduction of medicine made the use of natural remedies a thing for the old and the less privileged. However, this does not mean that their use is dead.

Natural remedies are very important and have always remained important. They are actually the most cost effective methods of dealing with diseases. The notion of self reliance has increased and the use of natural remedies is gradually picking.

Their benefits may go up to the third derivative.

There are people who challenge their effectiveness. Here are natural remedies that do work


The number of people complaining of osteoarthritis is large. It causes swelling on the joints. This causes pain and stiffness in these joints. If you find yourself experiencing such symptoms there are a few remedies you can try

  • Do some stretches every day for at least 20 minutes; you should focus the stretching to where it hurts most. Try and increase the flexibility all over.
  • Add more fish to your diet. You can also take fish oil pill
  • Get a bee sting. This has an anti-inflammatory peptide that will relieve the pain and reduce the swelling on your arthritis.

Bad breath

This is a very uncomfortable feeling. Bad breath lowers your self-esteem and confidence level. If have this problem you can try drinking ¼ cup of Aloe Vera gel. To beat the bad taste, you can dissolve in a cup of water or some juice. Aloe Vera has a compound called B-sitosterol that beats the acid indigestion. Acid indigestion is the most common cause of bad breath.

Research has shown that yogurt can suppress levels of bad breath-causing bacteria to help you cure it.

Besides, eating parsley can also help, as it ontains chlorophyll, which can fight the bacteria that causes bad breath. Chewing on a sprigfor 1-2 minutes is advised.

Discolored teeth

You can make your teeth white again by taking a ½ teaspoon of baking soda and adding 2 drops of peroxide. Use this to brush your teeth and let the mixture linger a little longer in your mouth then rinse. This will restore your white teeth back.


Migraines affect so many people, if you have one, try the acupressure method. This is a very simple method; all you need to do is use your thumbs, index and the middle fingers to squeeze the trapezius. This is the muscle that runs from your shoulders to your neck. Squeezing it releases the muscle spasm. They are the main causes of headaches. Do this for a minute. This should relieve your migraine.


If you are having trouble falling asleep or getting back to sleep then you are suffering from insomnia. Lack of enough sleep for a long time leads to health problems. There are few remedies that you can try to make you sleep better.

  • Avoid the afternoon nap. You can try and stop taking the afternoon nap. This is what takes away your sleep at night. A nap after 3p.m is actually worse and will make you lack sleep at night.
  • Work out. Doing some exercise makes is a good way to help you sleep better. You should however not work out right before you sleep as it will keep you awake.
  • Take a glass of milk. The chemical present in milk causes drowsiness. This chemical, tryptophan is also present in turkey. A turkey sandwich would also work for you. (source)

Other Simple and Effective Natural Remedies to Treat the Common Discomforts:

  • Sucking on a lemon to ease the seasickness or motion sickness
  • A teaspoon of sugar is believed to modify the nerve muscles that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically and contribute to hiccups.
  • Giving your feet a 10-minute soak in a bath of water and vodka can treat the stinky feet
  • Honey works well when combined with the moisturizing effect of petroleum jelly, often treating and curing chapped lips
  • A mixture of 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of water and 1 teaspoon of honey makes a quick syrup for a sore throat or persistent cough
  • Rolling your foot over a tennis ball can provide a mini-massage that stretches and soothes your achy feet
  • Olive oil is effective to repair your damaged hair, as the monounsaturated fatty acids in it help protect hair and make it softer. Leaving it on for 10-15 minutes and rinsing will add shine to your hair
  • A simple way to treat the brittle nails: Putting vegetable oil on your nails before you go to bed, and then putting on gloves, fores the oil to penetrate the skin, preventing hands and nails from getting dry

Trying these natural remedies is a good way to improve your health. They are safe and effective. These remedies are available at your home. Do some lifestyle changes and improve your health.

Read more articles by author at: http://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/author/alexjordon/

Liu Jiao
I have written articles on various physical and mental health related conditions, including diabetes/ heart disease/ autism/depression/Nutrition/fitness/diets/fad diets/herbs/alternative therapies/weight loss/obesity in children and adults/smoking risks/alcohol risks/fast foods/disease....

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