11 Foods That Increase Magnesium Levels, Prevent High Blood Pressure, Blood Clots & Muscle Fatigue


According to population studies of average magnesium intake, there’s a good chance that you’re not. Less than 30% of U.S. adults consume the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of magnesium. And nearly 20% get only half of the magnesium they need daily to remain healthy.

No one has yet popularized a magnesium, in the way that we usually associate potassium with bananas, calcium with bone health, and sodium with blood pressure.

Magnesium is probably the most important nutrient for that energy powerhouse, the human heart; it helps the heart muscle itself function better. Magnesium also helps protect blood vessels, which is where most of what we call heart disease actually happens.

What is magnesium good for?

Your heart, kidneys and muscles need magnesium to function well. Magnesium makes up important structural components of your teeth and bones. It also helps maintain a balance of various nutrients, including calcium, zinc, potassium, vitamin D and copper. Magnesium is also a natural blood thinner, much like aspirin, so many doctors and researchers believe that it may help prevent heart attacks and strokes. It is also necessary for:

-Proper transportation of calcium, silica, vitamin D, vitamin K, and obviously magnesium.
-Activating muscles and nerves
-Creating energy in the body
-Helping digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
-Serves as building blocks for RNA and DNA synthesis
-Acting as a precursor for neurotransmitters like serotonin

Signs and symptoms of a magnesium deficiency

-Heart arrhythmia or an increased heart rate
-Imbalanced blood sugar levels
-High blood pressure
-Weight gain
-Potassium Deficiency
-Respiratory Issues
-Raynaud’s Syndrome
-Lack of appetite
-Liver & Kidney Disease

There are natural ways to increase magnesium levels in the body, and you only need to regularly consume the following foods:

-Almonds and Cashews
-Soya beans
-Brown Rice
-Dark Leafy Vegetables
-Dried Fruits
-Dark Chocolate


i) thescienceofeating.com

ii) livestrong.com

iii) ancient-minerals.com

iv) healthyfoodhouse.com

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Geary Andrew
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Minor in business and liberal arts. I've written about health for more than a decade. Veteran freelance writer with expertise in health, wellness, parenting and lifestyle issues. I am passionate about educating and empowering people to achieve and maintain optimal health and is committed to providing the highest quality health care.