10 benefits of the raw food diet


Let’s get right into it shall we?

1) Reduced risk of cancer.

A review of medical literature from 1994 to 2003 concluded that the increased consumption of raw vegetables reduced the risk of cancer by a greater degree than the consumption of cooked vegetables. (1)

2) Decreased bad cholesterol levels.

A 2005 study found that consuming a lot of raw fruits and vegetables (about 70% of the diet) notably reduced the blood concentration of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which promote health problems and cardiovascular disease. (2)

3) Increased beta-carotene levels.

Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity and protects our cells. A German study from 2007 found that a strict raw food diet increases beta-carotene blood levels considerably. (3)

4) Reduced obesity and hypertension.

A study on the impact of raw food diets on obesity and hypertension found that high raw food consumption can help people lose weight and lower their blood pressure. (4)

5) Less pain.

Low salt, raw vegan diets were found to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia, which refers to long-term body-wide pain and tenderness. (5)

6) Lessened symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

In a 1998 study, raw vegan probiotic rich diets were shown to have positive effects on the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, while returning to an omnivorous diet aggravated these symptoms. (6)

7) Reduced vulnerability to allergies.

Based on the premise that farmers’ children are less susceptible to allergies, a 2006 study found that the consumption of raw milk greatly reduced allergic sensitivity in children. (7)

8) Enzymes help digestion.

Weston-Price Foundation research concluded that enzymes that are released by chewing raw vegetables can assist digestion by staying in the upper stomach for about 30 minutes, before being moved to the lower stomach where they are destroyed. (8)

9) Supports women’s health.

A 2003 study from Germany found a positive correlation between raw vegetable based diets and a reduced incidence of breast cancer. These effects were not observed in cooked vegetable diets. The scientists speculated that phytonutrients that are vulnerable to heat may be responsible for the health benefits. (9)

10) Happier, longer life.

A pilot study at a raw vegan institute found that people tend feel happier and more emotionally stable after consuming raw foods and associating with other healthy raw vegans. (10)

Sources for this article include:

1) http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/13/9/1422.full
2) http://jn.nutrition.org/content/135/10/2372.long
3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18028575
4) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4012382?dopt=Abstract
5) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11093597
6) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9566667
7) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16751000
8) http://www.realmilk.com/enzyme.html
9) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14690788
10) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18534324

Michelle Bosmier
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straightforward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general.

( http://www.rawfoodhealthwatch.com/ )