1 Brain Dead, 5 Hospitalized: Modern Medicine Takes Another Blow



This will be a rather opinionated piece, but how can anyone stand by without expressing there opinion to such a tragic story. This story is further proof that modern medicine is nothing more than a failed attempt to replicate natures healing power. A counterfeit system that would rather have the public rely on a handful of powerful people in lab coat than natural medicines that have been proven effective and safe for thousands of years.


Scientist Failed Attempt to Create a Synthetic Cannabis Based Drug

It was described as a “Tragic Accident” by the French health minister. 5 Men that were involved in clinical trials for a new Cannabis based drug have been hospitalized, one has been declared brain dead. Three others are facing the harsh reality of  living the rest of their lives disabled.

Overall 90 participants were involved in the experimental drug trials. The volunteers started taking the experimental treatment daily, starting on January 7, just three days later, the first reports of serious side effects started.

The French based company Biotrail,  that conducted the medical trials has posted this message on their website:

During a FIM study which was being conducted for a sponsor, serious adverse events related to the test drug  have occurred in some subjects at our CPU. The trial has been conducted in full compliance with the international regulations and Biotrial’s procedures were followed at every stage throughout the trial, in particular the emergency procedures for the transfer of subjects to the hospital. We are in close and regular contact with the Health Authorities and Ministry in France. The priority at Biotrial remains the safety of our subjects. We are very grateful for the support we have been receiving from our clients and partners today.



This message seems more like an excuse or release of liability towards the manufacturer and doesn’t express any sympathy towards the volunteers or their families. This is an example of stone cold business and the face of today’s modern medicine.

Its also another example of modern medicines failed attempts to produce counterfeit version of natural drugs, while discrediting mother nature as well as human holistic history.



BBC News




Renne Crespo
Renee Cresspo is a Professional Fitness Trainer with a degree in Nutrition and Sports Medicine. Renne has written articles for numerous publications and currently author of ButtBuildr.com , a site dedicated to helping woman develop a healthy physique through proper diet and exercise.